Thursday, December 3, 2009

Juxtapoz article...

Its been a very busy week. Hung most of the paintings for the Bauhaus show. Its a giant space so I need to make a couple more paintings to fill up the area a little more. The reception isn't until the 10th, so I should have enough time to get together a good piece or two. 
Got an
article in juxtapoz,
on their website.Very excited about that. There's been some great response so far.

We Are All Animals: The Artwork of Crystal Barbre
Tuesday, 01 December 2009

“We are all animals, and don’t you forget it,” writes Andrew Michael Ford. “While we may still exist in a male dominated world, Crystal Barbre wants to remind you that sexuality is not solely a man’s game.” [Warning: these images are explicit and not safe for work or young eyes.]

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