Thursday, February 25, 2010

8th Deadly Sin show in LA...


I'm excited to have the chance to show a piece in the group show at Forgotten Saints on March 13th. I'm looking forward to flying down and meeting some great artists. It should be a fun time and a good prequel to my upcoming show at Hyaena gallery in June.

I just finished sketching out the next 6 paintings for the solo show. I can't wait to get painting. The prep work is such a bore. But I've learned not to jump ahead of myself or I'll be sorry. There's enough that can go wrong in a painting already - no need to tempt the painting gods.  So,  accept for my little trip to LA in a couple weeks I'll be in the basement working til my eyes give out. Did I say working? I meant partying like a rockstar til the wee hours of the morning. That's how we artists roll.